Britain’s largest independent ship repairer and marine engineering services provider, Burgess Marine, has recently completed a hugely successful winter refit season in Cherbourg.
The company has completed two refits for Wightlink and one for Condor Ferries and its 5000T syncrolift facility in Cherbourg. Speaking of the significant refit onboard the Condor Rapide, Nicholas Warren, the CEO of Burgess Marine comments:

“This valuable order from Condor Ferries demonstrates our genuinely unrivalled skills base and competitiveness in the fast ferry repair market.
We have the technical management, knowledge, and perhaps most importantly the passion and integrity to bring something truly unique to the table with regards to fast ferries; our success is down to our experience and our desire to do the best by our customers - all we are after is a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.”
Works onboard the Condor Rapide include the 5 year special survey, extensive aluminium repairs and renewals, overhaul of her water jets, overhaul of the ride control system and the application of new anti-fouling coatings. The team also overhauled generators, made repairs to main engine exhaust systems and overhauled the main engine turbo chargers.
In respect to the conventional tonnage Ray Cutts, Burgess Marine’s Technical Director, comments:
“Supporting the Wightlink fleet in Cherbourg has been a genuine pleasure. We obviously refit their fast ferries locally in Portsmouth so this extension of service is a natural development of our long-standing and mutually beneficial relationship.
The engineering works onboard included the St. Faith and St. Cecilia included hull UHP and full antifouling, and topside painting. The sacrificial sea water pipe work was stripped and rebuilt, the sea valves, opened for inspection, re-seated and reassembled. The stern prow removed and partly rebuilt and 2 sets of Voith blade seals changed - notable 10 blades on 2 units. Our team also completed various weld repairs.”
Burgess Marine operates both the 5000T syncrolift in Cherbourg and the 1000T facility in Portchester, Portsmouth. It is also the principle commercial ship repairer in Southampton and Portsmouth.