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Dualog, one of the world’s leading providers of ship-to-shore data communications services, has won a major contract to install and upgrade email capability on 160 Teekay vessels worldwide.

Work has already started on the project with over 100 vessels being equipped in just three months while installation work on the remainder is underway.

Thomas Heide, International Sales Manager at Dualog.

A key benefit for Teekay moving to a modern email platform is improved cyber security and increased uptime. Dualog’s high focus on operations, security and stability enables the company to deliver service uptime of 99,98%.

Thomas Heide, International Sales Manager at Dualog, said the contract was significant not least because of the speed to which the work was completed.

"Ensuring 100 vessels, or two thirds of the project, were upgraded within three months was remarkable and was the result of careful planning and pilot work carried out on a handful of units. The Teekay ships will start to see strong operational benefits from what is a web-based email system. Teekay contacted us because they needed to find a new and reliable mobile business email solution for their vessels. We took the time to understand and map their needs and have delivered a solution that will result in efficiency gains for the owner."

Stuart Mackenzie, Regional and Vessel Systems IT Manager at Teekay Shipping, complimented the work that Dualog had done to equip the ships in such a short period of time.

"There was a lot of planning carried out across a number of our network of offices – including Glasgow, Manila, Vancouver and Singapore – and after some fine tuning of the systems following the results of the pilot project, we began the process of upgrading the email systems on the fleet. We saw the need for a more modern and proven maritime email solution, which included a file transfer solution built in."

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