The newly developed series of GTA pumps manufactured in stainless steel have been especially designed for longterm permanent use on vessels. The stainless steel GTA pumps are surface treated with a mix of of highly protective dirt repellent and hydrophobic coatings to further enhance the superior properties of the acid proof stainless steel casing.

The Lamor GTA Stainless Steel pumps are multipurpose submersible Archimedes screw pumps with a pumping capacity range of 20 to 140 m³/h. These pumps have been designed for use in skimmers and transfer or offloading pump applications. The pumps handle a wide range of liquids ranging from water to the heaviest debris-laden viscous oils. The GTA SS pumps can deliver a maximum of 12 bar outlet pressure, benefits from water/steam annular injection on the inlet as standard and debris cutting knife to handle solids such as seaweed, plastics and ropes.
The GTA SS pump range is constructed from Stainless Steel AISI 329 (EN 1.4462) for the casings and stainless, acid proof steel internals with special seals that ensure the pump remains “dry”. This hydraulically driven, positive displacement pump with low screw speed avoids further emulsification of the recovered product thus making further separation more efficient.
The special internal geometry of the GTA SS design ensures a gentle pumping action that will not emulsify oily water, and ensures the efficient movement of material through the unit. The pump can also handle solids up to 30 mm in diameter, should the pump become clogged, and it can be reversed to expel the blockage. The GTA’s range of impressive features makes it well-suited to many applications, including for use as a transfer pump in oil recovery skimmers, for emergency pumping of heavy crude, bunker oil, or bitumen, for tank cleaning, pipeline maintenance, and for sludge removal from waste oil pits. The Stainless Steel casing also enables the pump to be used in acid content liquids and other harsh environments.
The whole GTA pump range has been extensively tested in the field and has received accreditation from Bureau Veritas confirming their recovery capacities in oils of varying viscosity.