Lindley Marinas, a leading manufacturer of pontoons and marina equipment, has recently completed naval base in Soyo, Angola, as well as the expansion of Brachuy andRibeira marinas in Brazil. Early in 2023 facilities for The Ocean Race were built in Itajaí, Brazil and Mindelo, Cape Verde.

Closer to their headquarters, the Iberian Peninsula is the focus of activity with projects of diverse nature , most significantly.
New marina development is currently under way in Fuerteventura, Canary islands, known as Marina Jandía the latest development by Calero Marinas with a capacity of 310 berths and estimated conclusion date early 2024. This project is carried out in collaboration with Almarin, Lindley’s local partner responsible for carrying out the pile driving and installation work;
Marina rebuilds in the fishing Port of Setúbal near Lisbon. Concrete pontoons will be supplied by the end of 2023, in substitution to the current structures. Before, at the Doca das Fontainhas, Lindley had replaced 270 meters of linear galvanized st eel floating structures and fingers, enhancing safety and performance in their installations;
Luxury solutions, as for example a 30 meter long all black floating leisure infrastructure for a 5 star hotel in Douro river.
Lindley works together with Port Authorities, municipalities as well as private customers to engineer solutions that meet customers’ requirements and are tailored to local conditions.
This year Lindley Marinas will once again be participating at METS from November 15 to 17 in Amsterdam on stand 05.726, in the Marina & Yard Pavilion. Patrick Lindley, CEO of Grupo Lindley, will participate as a speaker in a conference on the future of marinas, hosted by Oscar Siches. The 35th edition of METSTRADE will feature a brand new extension in hall 7 and a host of innovative initiatives.
Lindley Marinas will be exhibiting and participating as a speaker at ICOMIA World Marinas Conference, in Vilamoura, Portugal, being the marinas visitor sponsor for visits to Marina de Vilamoura, Marina de Albufeira and Marina de Lagos.

Cascais, Portugal +351 214 692 024
Vigo, Spain +34 986 906 770
Barcelona, Spain +34 933 601 101
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil +55 21 3942 8828