Specialising in diesel engine drives, Centa Transmissions is a long-established manufacturer and supplier of flexible couplings, shafts and complementary mechanical power transmission products for a myriad of marine, offshore and renewable drive applications.

Centa provides flexible couplings from 50mm to 3.0 meters in diameter. However, what makes the company unique is its ability to help designers and engineers to analyse a condition and create the right design solution to a particular problem.
At Seawork this year, a range of Centa couplings and other drive products will be available on stand PO3.
Small Marine Couplings
Centa will be featuring their CENTAFLEX-M and AGM tailshaft couplings. These are part of the wider CENTAFLEX range that includes the DS, R and AM. CENTAFLEX couplings are specifically designed to overcome all types of drive misalignment and eliminate the subsequent vibration and noise caused by this.
Workboats And Larger Vessels
CENTAX couplings are available in different degrees of stiffness, which allows the torsional flexibility of the couplings to be adapted to meet the needs of any mechanically driven transmission. The CENTAX coupling offers many functions designed to protect the drive from harmful torsional vibrations, to compensate misalignment and to dampen vibrations and noise. The CENTAXSEC- L and CENTAX V are popular couplings for ocean going vessels.
Carbon Fibre Shafts With CENTADISC-C
Centa is also a world-leader in carbon fibre driveshaft technology. Manufacturing shafts that cover 10 metres with a single unit, they have supplied numerous superstrong, ultra-lightweight shafts for long span marine drives and deep well applications. Carbon fibre can also be used for small shafts where weight reduction is a requirement.
Carbon fibre shafts are integrated with the CENTADISC-C coupling, which now has a smaller overall diameter to help manage space constraints, without loss of strength or performance. This enables CENTADISC-C to be specified in situations where, previously, it could not be considered.
Connecting The Driver To The Driven
Centa couplings overcome all types of drive misalignment, consequently eliminating the cause of vibration and noise. Flexible engine mounts and complementary structural noise reduction solutions are also available. Full service and technical support for both OEMs and end users is available on request.
The Centa product range includes flexible couplings for smaller boats, workboats and larger vessels up to 100m in length, hydraulic pump drive couplings, pump mounting kits, clutches and electromagnetic clutches for remotely driven ancillary equipment. Seawork Stand PO3 Designed to overcome all types of drive misalignment, Centa makes it easy for marine engineers, naval architects and engine and transmission designers to specify all types of mechanical drive components through a single source. You can find out more by visiting Centa on stand PO3 at Seawork.
You can also contact the Centa technical team on 01274 531034
Or by email to post@centa-uk.co.uk
Visit the website at: www.centa-uk.co.uk