Portsmouth International Port have reached the final stages of the 2019 International Quality Awards in the Quality Organisation of the Year category.

Portsmouth International Port has reached the final stages of the 2019 International Quality Awards in the Quality Organisation of the Year category. The awards celebrates excellence in the quality sector, and acknowledges the contribution of the quality profession in enhancing the reputation of organisations around the world. Organised by the Chartered Quality Institute, it is judged via a rigorous evidence-based process.
The port is acknowledged as being a leader in the quality sector, and in 2018 was also one of the first organisations in the world to undertake an audit against the then new international standard for occupational health and safety management ISO 45001, and receive a positive recommendation from the British Standards Institution (BSI). During 2019, successful surveillances were achieved for ISO 45001 (Health and Safety), ISO 14001 (Environment), ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 22301 (Business Continuity Management) and ISO 27001 (Information Security).
Driving the quality standards at the port is John Feltham, Systems Standards Compliance Manager, who was previously recognised in 2017 as Quality Professional of the Year by the Chartered Quality Institute. John said: “Reaching the finals in this prestigious award truly demonstrates why strong leadership, teamwork and understanding the needs of your interested parties is necessary within a quality organisation.
"Quality is not just about achieving customer satisfaction it goes a lot further and in our case that includes corporate governance and social responsibility, incorporating the environment, sustainability and our aim to become a carbon neutral port. This submission included some of the fine work being undertaken by Steve Watkyns (Head of Engineering) and Jerry Clarke (Marine Pilot) on air quality management and energy reduction programmes."
Ian Diaper, Head of Operations at Portsmouth International Port added: "We are all thrilled to reach the finals of this prestigious award, which recognises the fact that quality is at the heart of everything we undertake here at the port."
The next stage of the process will see John and a team from the port face the judging panel, with the winners announced at a ceremony on 27 November 2019.