Jenkins Marine’s multi-cat vessel AVON was chartered by ship repair specialists Burgess Marine to facilitate replacement of a lost anchor. The 180m long oil product tanker ‘Topaz Express’ had lost an anchor during routine operations and contacted Burgess Marine to arrange repair.

The ship was en-route from the West African coast to Southampton and a special stopover in Portland Harbour was arranged to complete the work. A new 6.85t anchor was delivered to Portland Port where AVON’s powerful 120tm Effer deck crane was able to lift the anchor from the delivery vehicle on to deck, together with the maintenance operatives. AVON was then positioned against the bow of the ship using her twin push bows to attach the new anchor. Weather was not looking favourable for the planned date of the works, so to offer client flexibility and a guarantee that the vessel would be on station to complete these essential works, AVON was mobilised in advance in more favourable weather. Jenkins Marine Director Dan Jenkins said: "Jenkins Marine will always do our utmost to achieve client satisfaction and this was one of those ocassions."