Totem Plus is to offer its customers Naval Dome’s cyber defence solution as a supplement to its PC-based navigation and automation systems, following the September signing of a Letter of Intent (LOI) with the cyber security specialist.
Totem Plus is to offer its customers Naval Dome’s cyber defence solution as a supplement to its PC-based navigation and automation systems (pictured below)

The two Israel-based companies began cooperating last year when the Naval Dome solution was used to protect the Totem Plus ECDIS, IMAC (Integrated Monitoring, Alarm & Control), VDR and BAM (Bridge Alert Management) installations aboard a 5000TEU containership.
Capt. Azriel Rahav, Chief Executive Officer, Totem Plus, said: “We are proud to be a pioneer of cutting edge maritime systems. Being able to offer the first maritime multi-layer cyber defence solution with our navigation and automation systems provides unrivalled protection to our customers. I don’t think any other ECDIS provider can offer this level of security without impacting performance.”
“We opted to partner with Naval Dome because its cyber security solution is proven to offer affordable multi-layer protection designed specifically for maritime application. As a stand-alone device it doesn’t have to be integrated, so it can be used with any connected or unconnected system onboard ship. It is intelligence grade cyber protection that requires minimal human interaction.”
Commenting on the vulnerability of navigation systems to cyberattack, Itai Sela, Chief Executive Officer, Naval Dome, said: “Although there is a concerted effort to ensure ships systems and data are properly protected, ECDIS is a weak link. If not protected, they can provide hackers with an easily penetrable ‘back door’ to ship systems and data, due to the frequency with which charts are information is downloaded.
“I am delighted that Totem Plus has agreed to offer its product portfolio with Naval Dome cyber protection. I cannot emphasise enough the commercial, environmental and safety impacts that an unprotected navigational system will have on operations should a cyberattack be successful. The solution we have developed will safeguard against this and protect Totem Plus customers from unauthorised access to critical systems.”
Last year saw an unprecedented number of cyberattacks and indications from security analysts suggest 2018 will be equally threatening, as more and more companies store data in the “cloud” and increase the number of internet-connected devices.
“The threat is very real and hackers are becoming increasingly more sophisticated in the methods they use to access data and manipulate system information,” said Sela.
However, the results of a survey carried out last month by NSSLGlobal, an independent service provider of satellite communications and IT support, demonstrates a worrying lack of maritime cybersecurity training amongst ship crews.
“While a good percentage of crews are aware that they have an important role to play in thwarting any cyber security breaches, the report highlighted that 84% of the [571] crew members surveyed claimed to have received limited or no cybersecurity training. This is a real concern. But our system takes away the human element,” he said.
The cooperation agreement with Totem Plus follows a Memorandum of Understanding Naval Dome signed earlier this month with Lloyd’s Register to help establish standards and guidelines for maritime cyber defence.