Reach and Rescue safety equipment is essential to many different industries, they believe that their devices are just as important as any other tool in the kit. One of these industries Reach and Rescue work closely with is maritime – though their poles are multifunctional, the core focus of Reach and Rescues devices is water‑based rescue. The company aims to reduce drowning statistics, saving lives – whilst also reducing business liability. Their products are truly an investment worth making for your business AND its workers, it’s a win-win.

Not only are Reach and Rescue helping to revolutionise safety standards with long-reach telescopic poles and attachments, at Reach and Rescue they also champion the public, campaigning for greater maritime safety and less risk to EVERYONE. One of these campaigns has involved the installation of various Portsafes across the nation, giving local communities an extra measure of defence against a life-threatening situation that has statistically claimed hundreds of lives each year – drowning.

Portsafes are a great way to make anything from a dock to a canal much more secure, especially when equipped with a pole – they make for an excellent and publically accessible lifeguard station that anyone trying to help in
a dangerous situation could use with ease. All of their equipment is easy to use and simple to put into action, saving valuable and precious time, especially in a life or death circumstance.
Their poles are built with durability and efficiency in mind but even still, careful thought and consideration on the design has lead to adding an extra layer of protection to the operation – a failsafe, meaning that even if the pole is somehow split, there is a line-wire built in that will aid in maintaining a connection to the target of the rescue. As well as this, you also get a free lifetime product promise with every product, not a paid insurance or some twelve month warranty. They want their customers to trust and know that they can rest assured they are taken care of and getting the best service on the market when they choose Reach and Rescue.

Reach and Rescue products are so innovative and high-grade that many branches of the worlds emergency services and rescue organisations have adopted the equipment into their systems of operation. It speaks volumes that these international heroes and key players in the safeguarding community are opting for Reach and Rescue equipment.
Maritime is an industry with lots of potential risk, no good employer wants to see their workers in danger and no good employee wants to see their colleagues or business in jeopardy, with Reach and Rescue: You’re covered.
Testimonials continue to come in and prove the legitimacy of their claims to quality, here is what one manager in the maritime industry had to say.
“A lifesaving piece of kit that is proving extremely useful. It will save lives.” – Kevin Baird, Marina Manager at Quay Marinas.
Poole Quay Boat Haven & Port of Poole Marina have now adopted Reach and Rescue poles as part of their Marina safety, The Marina Manager has said “It’s a great piece of equipment to have on site, especially considering how far it can reach.”
With testimonials like that it’s clear to see, Reach and Rescue equipment is the brand to buy, trusted by emergency services and maritime professionals worldwide.

+44 (0) 3301 595088