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Using Lamor’s Foam Filled Oil Boom (FOB) for Nearshore and Port Use.

Just over 2 years ago Zwanny was contacted by Rampion offshore to discuss several boom system options that can be deployed from the quayside and put on vessels and to go around a number of nearshore windfarms when required.

In the Lamor range of products Zwanny offer for the FOB is the boom rack system that normally will hold 100m of FOB. Rampion needed 125meters to meet their requirements. With that in mind Zwanny and Lamor created a bespoke boom racking system for the client. The current boom racking system is standing in the port on the quayside and has been used a number of times to contain any hydrocarbon spills.

Moving forward this year for 2021 at the port where the boom has been stored the UK port contacted Zwanny to replace the old boom that was in the port with FOB750 in a boom crate holding 125m that can, if needed, be connected to the Rampion equipment.

The advantage of having a Lamor boom racking system is that no hydraulic or electric power is required and a minimal amount of manpower for deploying and retrieving the boom. The Lamor boom racking system is manufactured from lightweight marine grade aluminium and a number of boom racks can be stacked if needed and can hold (depending on the boom size) 100 to 125m of Lamor foam filled boom.

The Lamor FOB goes back several years when the boom was created using closed cell foam and pvc/pu coated woven dtex polyester fabric in a visible red colour. The boom is UV and oil resistant and the maintenance is very low. The FOB internal floats are made from closed cell foam. The boom incorporates reflectors supplemented by boom light pouches and chaffs for radar reflectors. Every 1m on the boom is an interwoven nylon handle to assist with the boom retrieval.

The port is very pleased with boom system and have used it a number of times for training and not in response to an emergency… as yet.

For any boom requirements Zwanny can offer a full range of booms for most applications why not get in contact with Zwanny to discuss your companies boom requirements.

Zwanny have a solution.

+44 (0)1633 968086


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