Britain’s largest independent ship repairer and marine engineering services provider, Burgess Marine, has recently completed an extensive portfolio of marine civils works culminating in major works supporting the Port of Ramsgate.

Burgess Marine, headquartered in Dover, with nine port specific locations in the UK, is often perceived as ‘just’ a ship repairer. Brian Needle, the company’s Operations Director explains:
“That’s simply not the case. As a business we support marine infrastructure all around the country. In recent months we’ve completed works for Raymond Brown and BAM Nuttall in Poole - including dock and quayside maintenance, piling and tie rods, barriers, bollards and signposts as well as anodes and fendering. In Avonmouth our team are working extensively supporting both the port and the new development at Hinkley; we’re working on pile centralisers, pile extensions and pile casing modifications – and we’ve recently supported the removal of cat ladders inside the shafts that service the lock gates.”
He goes on to say: “Our team in the Naval Base at Portsmouth, headed up by Matt Perry, extensively support the legacy infrastructure - we routinely support major repairs and renewals on lock gates, penstocks and caissons.”
In conclusion he comments: “Most recently we’ve completed major works in the Port of Ramsgate. Supported by our team in Dover and Southampton. The project, headed up by Marlon Norris, included the lift out of No.1 linkspan upper road deck (1x125T main section, 2x35T transitions pieces), the lift out of No.3 and No.2 linkspan lower pontoon transition pieces (2x60T) and the renewal of the main pintal bearing in No.3 linkspan. Works also included the removal, inspection and repair / renewal of all bearings. We also undertook the disconnection of No.3 and No.2 pontoons to allow for dredging works. Latterly we completed extensive steel repairs to both linkspans and No.3 pontoon including ware plates and pads. Supported by Hydraquip we overhauled the full Hydraulic System and new finger flap rams. To wrap the project up we went on to renew the electrical wiring and main distribution boards, spot blast and repaint the underside as required, and we facilitated the removal and replacement of the mooring chains”.
Burgess Marine now has a significant presence in the marine civils space.
Nicholas Warren, the CEO of the Burgess Marine Group of Companies comments:
These wins, alongside our recent wins of several significant pontoon projects for the Thames, tendered in a professional, regulated and public fashion go a very long way to prove our commitment to the industry, marine constructions (in both steel and aluminium), our accreditation process and our team. Burgess Marine is about our people - and I sleep easy at night knowing that we have a truly experienced and tremendously committed team of genuinely good, honest and capable people. We work hard and we care about our customers.